Monday, April 7, 2008

Sharing a little MAGIC!

Hello there Kelly Eye Center Blog Visitors! Im glad you came by today b/c I have something great to share!!!

Last week I was in Chicago and attended a few training courses to better my knowledge of the Refractive World in Ophthalmology. Well, I was in for a surprise!

Id like to point you in the direction of GIOVANNI LIVERA Go ahead, check out his site!

Now, Im not easily convinced of anything, and I tend to be skeptical only for my own good, but this guy is truly AMAZING! Not only is he a REAL magician, but an excellent motivational speaker with spark you wouldnt believe! Through magical demonstrations and great tie-ins to life, business and magic....Giovanni's presence was all but boring!

Ive sat through many keynote speakers, many lectures, many power point presentations, but Giovanni really brought his message to life....LITERALLY!

But for the lack of a better statement, I have to say that Mr. Livera is one of a kind genius who will never cease to amaze you. He has the most positive and realistic outlook on life....his philosophy is....ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!

Notice I said "Anything"....not EVERYTHING....and isnt that the truth! Through his message I learned allot about business and life. He inspired me to make changes both professionally and personally....slow changes, I must add! HA!

Let me elaborate and ramble a bit....shall I!

Giovanni said "One important thing in life is to WOW ASTONISH them!" That is so true! Not only in life, but in business. There have been a select few occasions where I felt WOWed by someone whether it be a customer service representative or a waitress at my favorite restaurant. And what happened? I went back...over and over to be WOWed once again.

Being WOWed is hard to come by. People get lazy at their jobs, they get into a routine of the day to day duties and they forget the importance of their job itself. You arent employed b/c you arent needed! You are employed to WOW your customers....and not just one day....EVERYDAY!

And that is what we at Kelly Eye Center plan to do for you.....we want to WOW your experience with us! We want to ASTONISH you with our knowledge, expertise and our passionate care!

So come visit us.....come be WOWed...come see that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE when it comes to your corrected vision. Let Kelly Eye Center be your WOW to better vision!!!!!!!!!!!

I encourage you to check out Giovanni Livera's website. He has a few wonderful books on motivation and life.....check it out and let me know what YOU think!!!!

Have a wonderful week, Ill be in touch soon!

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