Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Implantable contact lens...WHAT???

Thats right!

A contact lens that is permanently inserted into your eye to correct your vision! It seems like a no-brainer, but its a new (FDA approved in 2005) procedure that is infiltrating the eyes of patients all over the US...and its called the Visian ICL (Implantable Collamer Lens)!

Here is what it looks like.........

That is a magnified picture, but its quite small and matched to your prescription. It is then surgically inserted in the posterior chamber of your eye; which is behind the iris and in front of the eye's natural lens. The ICL does not touch any internal eye structures and it stays in place!

Kind of like this.....

Another great characteristic of the ICL is that it can be REMOVED (for whatever reason) leaving your cornea UNTOUCHED. Nothing in your eye is altered. If the ICL is removed, you will be at the same place as you started before the surgery....back to your original prescription! How cool is that?! If you arent happy with the results, it can be removed with no permanent changes to your eye!

Ok, some questions you may have..........

What is it made of?
Well, the ICL is made of Collamer--a soft, flexible lens material that contains a small amount of collagen which makes the lens extremely bio-compatible!

Is it safe?
The surgery is VERY SAFE and the product is as well.....The ICL is inserted into the eye by an ophthalmologist of course, but it is done through a mico incision. The lens unfolds in the eye and is positioned between the iris and the natural lens where it stays FOREVER...unless you want it removed of course...but you wont, trust me!!!

How long does the procedure take?
JUST 15 MINUTES! Yep, you got it...15 minutes and your life of dealing with contacts and glasses is OVER!!!! It is performed on an outpatient basis....you will be in a hospital setting, but for 15 minutes to change your life....thats not so bad!!!

Can it be felt within the eye?
NO! You cannot feel or see the ICL once it is inserted into the eye. You will be able to SEE, but not the ICL....your surroundings is all you will SEE....now doesnt that sound good!

Am I a candidate?
Well, first you would need to come in to the Kelly Eye Center and have a refractive evaluation to determine if this procedure is right for you....BUT if you have the need for corrected vision of any sort, the ICL may be an option for you. Most ICL patients are extremely nearsighted (myopia), but you may also be a candidate if you have thin corneas....to thin for LASIK. The ICL is a great option for NON-LASIK candidates.

What if I have dry eyes?
Thats OK! The ICL does not cause or contribute to dry eyes. The ICL requires NO maintenance...that means NO solution, NO rubbing, NO irritation....NO maintenance!

Ok...there is just some information that may help you but Im sure you are asking what everyone wants to know......What does it cost?

To be honest, the ICL is a bit more pricey than LASIK. Kelly Eye Center offers the ICL at $3,800 per eye. Dont freak out! Let me break it down for you....

This cost covers and includes the following:
The lens themselves (2x)
Hospital fees
Anesthesia (yes, you are under local anesthesia...you are not "out" but you are sedated)
The surgery
Pre-Op visits
Post-Op visits for 1 year

Now, thats not too bad when you think about it, right! 15 minutes and VOILA!!!! YOU CAN SEE without your glasses and/or contacts!!

So, pick up your phone and call me if you feel that the ICL may be right for YOU!

Its time for you to....WAKE UP AND SEE!

For more information on the Visian ICL:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now, thats not too bad when you think about it, right! 15 minutes and VOILA!!!! YOU CAN SEE without your glasses and/or contacts!!
>>> Sounds great !!
[but then, why didn't I get this result?] I went from no glasses (prior to the procedures) to having to wear glasses after the procedures.