Thursday, January 15, 2009


Its been a while...did you miss me???

I hope you had a wonderful holiday and that 2009 brings you LOTS of life adventures, wonderful health and to win the lotto! HA! some of you may know, we no longer perform our refractive procedures at TLC. Dr. Kelly is no longer affiliated with TLC....didnt know? Well, now you do :)

Anyway....we have had the pleasure of working with Dr. Dean Dornic's staff and their surgery center! Its nice to have such wonderful people to work with! We simply use their facility which is so nice and can even watch a movie while you wait...I love that! We even enjoyed Charlie and the Chocolate Factory just the other week! :)

So dont worry...we are still performing refractive procedures...same care, different surgery location.....and as always, we are dedicated to our patients and providing them with the upmost value of service!!

Call me today!
Jamie :)

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